Tentatively Speaking!

Hey everybody! Omarra Byrd here, welcoming everybody back to the blog and what has potentially turned into a site that is all about my son Xavier James Byrd. Which honestly, I have no problem with.

The only thing is, I built this site as an extension of my business and my main site BooksBonkers.Com. So, this blog was supposed to be all about Internet Marketing tips, information and recommendations. Eventually, I will begin posting posts that pertain to my business. At some point I will begin to shift the focus and as of right now that will tentatively be this Thursday.

Thursday because, that is the day that my wife and I plan on bringing our son out of the shelter of our home and into the world as we know it. This blog being utilized to display everything Xavier was started so that friends and family could feel a part of this whole process and not feel excluded and have to miss out on any of it.

Come Thursday, that will be needed much less. So, therefore, it will be utilized much less.

I also mentioned how my wife was such a trooper earlier. These photos show that the best. From the bruises that they left on her arm from trying to find a vein to put the IV in to the skin they pulled off her leg while simply removing some tape that had the catheter hose taped down to her leg! And oh yeah, there are some more pictures of our X-Man. Enjoy:

The Video

I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and if you haven’t registered (you no longer need to register in order to leave a comment) to the blog yet, I’m hoping that you do so, so that you can leave some comments for me and my wife to read and enjoy.

There is a video posted that explains how to register (you no longer need to register in order to leave a comment) and it’s in the, “My Rant! / Blog Lesson!” post. Just watch that short video, register and then leave us some comments. We would really enjoy that. Well, until later…

May All Your Ventures Be Met With Success,

Omarra Byrd

Permanent link to this article: https://www.omarrabyrd.com/blog/2008/01/28/tentatively-speaking/


  1. Yo,

    Sounds like “bait and switch” to me. I subscribed to Xavier, but that changes on Thursday? Are you a Republican?

    Seriously, great pictures and we’ll be seeing the baby soon.

    I use WordPress for my blog also. Check the instructions as you may be able to have both a Xavier and “business” blog just by naming them differently.


    — Cloth

  2. That was very funny Wayne. I got a good chuckle out of that one. More than likely I will still be posting about Xavier, just not as often.

    The main reason being once I go back to work I won’t have the time to post as often as I would like to. Unfortunately, my return date to work is on Friday. Thus, Thursday being my tentative date for Xavier posts to decrease.

    Next your going to tell me that I’m waffling on the issues!

    Thanks for the information about naming the blogs seperately, I’ll have to look into that one cause I would love to keep both of them going if I could.

    Look out, here is the “switch”:

    Yours truly,


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