The RoboForm Video #1 Is Finally Here!

Sorry that this has been so long in the making. It took longer than I thought. It is my hopes that the next one doesn’t take nearly as long. Anyway you have been delayed enough, so here it is. Please give it ample time to load as it is a very big file!

The RoboForm Video #1

I hope that it helps you to see how easy the use of RoboForm is and how much you need to be using it. If you haven’t downloaded your copy of RoboForm yet then I suggest you follow along with the video and do so! You’ll be happy that you did!

As always your comments are welcome here, please take the few moments needed in order to share your thoughts with us. It would be greatly appreciated!

May All Your Ventures Be Met With Success,

Omarra Byrd

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    • Hermas on June 8, 2008 at 1:28 PM

    Hey Omarra,

    I thought your first RoboForm video was very easy to follow and understand. It certainly enlightened me to the scope of the software and its ability to simplify many redundant procedures. There is a certain freedom and comfort that comes from not having to memorize a slew of passwords and login information, and just allow the software to do the heavy lifting. Looking forward to the entire video series. Well done!

  1. I’m glad that the video was user friendly for you Hermas. I tried my best to make it simple and easy to comprehend. It’s good to know that I accomplished that with this video. I hope that the rest will be just as easy to follow.

    As always, thanks for your participation Hermas!

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